Dmitry Zatulo was borne in 1967. At the age of ten he started to learn
Setokan Karate and Khatkha Yoga. His first acquaintance with Kung-Fu was
in 1984. Since 1984 to 1989 he studied SAMBO (Russian system of SELF-DEFENSE)
and Judo. In 1987 he started to study VING-TSUN KUNG- FU. At the same
time he studied U-DAN-PAI system (classical and animal version). In 1989
he got his instructor certification. In 1992 he was certified to the title
of CHEN -KWONG VING-TSUN GONG-FU instructor. He heads Ivanovo School from
the moment it was founded. He is also a highest category instructor and
a republic category judge on army hand-to-hand fighting.
VING-TSUN GONG-FU School was founded in Ivanovo city 10 March 1989. During
these years were established connections with representatives from other
municipals: Leningrad, Yaroslavl', Kostroma, Kineshma, Gor'kiy, Murmansk,
Vitebsk, Tula. In the School during several years were trained bodyguards
and security officers; constantly work courses of self-defense. There
works a group of sport training (participation in hand-to-hand fighting
In the School studied and were certified following instructors: Zhulenkov
Ilya (Ivanovo); Lapshin Sergey (Ivanovo); Saharov Constantine (St.Petersburg);
Baranov Sergey (St.Petersburg); Gimishli Nikolai (Murmansk); Pangachev
Nikolai (Vichuga); Bochkov Aleksandr (Vitebsk); Uzenyuk Taras (Ivanovo);
Romanov Aleksandr (Ivanovo); Bichkov Andrey (Ivanovo); Kuz'minov Oleg
(Tula), Richkov Dmitry (Israel), Pavlov Nikolay (Ivanovo).
But it already all in the past.
Now only Shaolin Weng Chun kung fu.
Contact phone: 89065109382
SKYPE:dmitryvt |